Board Resolutions

Resolution Opposing the Aquila Resources' Back Forty Proposed Mine

WHEREAS, Aquila Resources' Back Forty Project, a proposed open pit metallic sulfide mine would be located on the banks of the Menominee River, which empties into Lake Michigan and is one of the largest watersheds in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula; and

WHEREAS, the Menominee River provides a unique habitat for species of special concern such as lake sturgeon and freshwater mussels, which would be negatively impacted by discharges into the water; and

WHEREAS, the potential impacts of the mine include long-term leaching of acid producing wastes into the groundwater and the river; and

WHEREAS, the hazardous wastes generated by the mine would degrade water quality and present risks to human health and the environment in Wisconsin as well as Michigan; and

WHEREAS, potential economic losses including reduction in property values and loss of tourism revenue are not factored into the permitting review process; and

WHEREAS, the approval of this mine will result in the irreversible loss of significant cultural resources of the Menominee Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin, including Native American gravesites and other areas of historical significance.

THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED, the Clean Water Action Council Board of Directors strongly oppose Aquila's Back Forty metallic sulfide mine project. The Board urges the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to deny a mining permit for the Back Forty Project, and the Board urges potential investors to not fund this project.

BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Executive Director shall forward a copy of this resolution to Governor Scott Walker, Department of Natural Resources Secretary Cathy Stepp, Wisconsin Legislators representing Marinette County, the County Board Chairs of Florence, Oconto, Brown, Kewaunee and Door counties, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and to any identified investors.

Approved this 15th day of June 2017 by a majority vote of the Clean Water Action Council Board of Directors.

Resolution Concerning Fluoridation of Municipal Drinking Water in Northeast Wisconsin

WHEREAS, The mission of CWAC includes promoting a safe and healthy environment in northeast Wisconsin, and

WHEREAS, According to the Center for Disease Control, fluoride prevents dental carries predominately after eruption of the tooth into the mouth and its actions are topical rather than systemic, for both adults and children, and

WHEREAS, The introduction of fluoride into municipal drinking water for use as a drug to treat tooth decay is lacking any ability to control individual dosages. Age, weight, intake of fluoride from other dietary sources, access to regular dental treatment, are all patient factors that are ignored when determining the amount of fluoride added to municipal water supplies, and

WHEREAS, The American Dental Association reported that as many as 41% of children ages 12-15 suffer from fluorosis, also called mottling of tooth enamel, a developmental disturbance of dental enamel caused by excessive exposure to high concentrations of fluoride during tooth development. The risk of fluoride overexposure occurs at any age but is higher at younger ages. Overexposure to fluoride is believed to cause other serious health effects, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Clean Water Action Council of Northeast Wisconsin requests that municipalities in northeast Wisconsin pursue ending the addition of fluoride to public drinking water systems.

Approved this 15th day of January, 2014,


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© Clean Water Action Council

P.O. Box 9144

Green Bay, WI 54308

(920) 421-8885

Office location:
Rose Hall 310 P, UW-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311